I'm sitting in my room with a bag of doritos and a massive pile of books pertaining to music theory which I have percariously balanced in two "stacks". Between the Doritos and the closest pile of books is an entire stack of notecards with words related to Italian renaissance art and architecture. These are somewhat balanced on an orange marker and a note pad with a friend's email address on it. The view of that is slightly blocked by the cord from my webcam which is balanced on a mug with a smiling, ice-skating gingerbread man. Surprisingly, it is the webcam that bother me most in this situation. I set it up last night to talk to my boyfriend, but I was too lazy to put it away before bed. In fact, I am too lazy to put it away now. I regret to inform the world that I live in a pile of my own filth! Well, maybe less filth and more general disorder and untidiness, but you get the idea.
I won't even begin to describe what my floor looks like. Just take the image of the desk and multiply it by about....oh, I don't know! What's a reasonable number?.....46 billion and 32.
Lucky for me, I will be quitting this diseaster area and heading out west for the upcoming Canadian Thanksgiving. My curly-headed roommate's parents have invited me out to celebrate with them in Ontario, and I am more than delighted to go. I am ecstatic! These people are warm, kind, funny, hospitable, and wonderful cooks. Needless to say, I wish I were leaving now.
Of course, I cannot neglect to say that in the States it is Columbus Day....in some states anyway. Do the states that don't recognize Columbus Day have to go to work on Monday, then?