So Montreal is on fire. As I am one of the luckiest people on earth, the fire is located down the street from me. This makes the entire apartment smell like a bonfire. I personally have not ventured outside today, but one roommate went downtown and another down the street to the dep, and they both assure me that the streets near our house are crawling with police officer and firefighters. On top of all this, it has been raining the entire day. The news, while focusing on the fire in California rather than the one down the street, has informed me that even downtown is covered in ashes. This probably means that our neighborhood is going to be disgusting tomorrow. Hopefully no one was hurt in the fire, and all the law enforement officer working on it succeeded and emerged unscathed. I'm sure CTV will tell me all about it in the morning.
The reason I did not venture outside today is not because of the fire or the rain, but more because I stayed up a good part of the night to fix my computer and play a game of online scrabble with my boyfriend. I slept in rather late, and then had to devote the rest of the day to working on my Sociolinguistics project on gender neutral job titles. While today has been tedious and I really don't have much to show for it, I still feel pretty good about yesterday. Yesterday, I holed up in the Ferrier building and wrote all seven pages of my rough draft about the Royal Cemetery of Ur. For some reason, the prof wants this paper 1 1/2 spaced instead of double spaced, which means I had to write even more. Boo to that, but Yay to having a rough draft done. Now, even if I sleep for the next 5 days, I can still hand SOMETHING in. Granted, I pretty much ignore one of the questions on the paper topic in my rough draft, but the rest of it is fairly well written for a rough draft, so I think it could earn a gentlman's C.
Don't worry. I'm going to try to edit it to improve my chances....and my grade.
In other news, Yahoo News has informed me that thanks to a ringtone that sings "condom, condom, condom", condom sales in India have risen. Yay! The campaign also included tv and radio commercials, and managed to reach 150 million men. I guess this is epecially important because many of the migrant workers frequent sex worker and are willing to pay extra so as not to have to use a condom. This is bad, and why India started their condom campaign. According to India's Aids Control Body, the sales of condoms have increased by about 85 million in the last 6 months. Yay for safe sex!
I need to work on my Sociolinguistics paper now so that my roommate and I can watch the BBC adaptation of "Persuasion".