Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Awesome Pet Names

So as you may or may not know, I am currently student teaching at the elementary level. Luckily for me, I have the opportunity to spend my mornings in an entirely ELL kindergarten. We are currently studying animals, which is super fun since I get to make animal noises and ask silly questions (which, to my amusement, my students have to actually consider) such as "Which is bigger? The mouse or the lion?" or "Is a rooster a big or small animal?"

Anyway, getting to the point of my story, the kids had homework. They had to go home and cut out pictures of animals they would find in a pet store and make their own "pet shop" picture with labels. One little girl, we'll call her "Dina", came up and shared her pet store that had a cat named Sassy, a dog named Chica, a canary named Pretty, and a mouse named Little. Now the point of the labels was for them to write things like "cat", "mouse", "hamster", "dog", etc. but this girl is pretty shy, so we didn't say anything.

Next up for sharing time comes a talkative young fellow - we'll call him "Douglas" - who loves attention of any kind. Anyway, "Douglas" has an eagle, a cat, a little dog, and a beaver in his pet shop, which I thought was a rather interesting collection of pets. They were correctly labeled as the animal they are. When he was done sharing, he was asked to sit down. "But wait!" said Douglas, "Don't you want to know what I would NAME these pets?" Naturally, I said yes, and I am sure glad I did.

My new favorite names for future pets:

Dog: Juicy Sharkboy
Cat: Clawripper
Beaver: Hamster
Bald Eagle: Jennifer

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