Today I met a new possible-future-friend while volunteering. I try to get out every Tuesday to read to the sisters and play games. Tonight we did some math trivia, read some poems about the wind and being thankful, then we played this awesome game with this awesome beach ball.
All the sisters were either in chairs or in their wheel chairs, and we moved walkers behind us. Then we kicked the beach ball to each other around the circle. Whenever the ball came to a standstill (as it did often since some sisters don't have a lot of strength in their legs), possible-future-friend and I would pick up the ball, and read a category off of it. The awesome thing about this ball is that it had lots of stars on it, and in each star there was a category. For example, we did "kinds of cheese", "kinds of birds", "Disney characters", "green vegetables", "ingredients in cookies", and a few others. This activity has the sisters moving, interacting with each other, and thinking! I would love a version of this for my students! This particular ball wouldn't work, however, because it says things like "Male movie stars before 1960", "brands of soap", and "Famous band leaders of the 1940's".
Anyway, possible-future-friend looks about my age, lives in Rochester, is a nurse, is not married, and has a roommate. She seems pretty awesome....Plus I really liked her sweater. It was an awesome sweater. Maybe we will volunteer at the same time again, and we can become friends. I think I might come on too strong if I said what I was thinking.
"Hey! I'm pretty new to town and don't know anyone outside of my work colleagues! I am looking to make non-work friends! You seem nice! Why don't you give me your phone number and we can hang out?"
See, if someone said that to me, I would be pretty receptive, I think. But I am weird. Also, I am quite aware that I am an acquired taste. Mostly because I am weird.....
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