While driving home from Pizza Hut yesterday with my medium pizza and breadsticks intended only for me (please hold your judgement), I was behind a mini-van for a while. This mini-van had one bumper sticker on it. Between the silhouettes of two naked women, it read:
FBI: Female Body Inspector
This struck me as odd. In fact, it confused me and my brow began to furrow as I tried to think of any possible situation it would be appropriate for the owner of a mini-van to display that bumper sticker.
The only possible reason I could come up with was that the person in the vehicle really was a Female Body Inspector. They have some sort of small business, just getting started which is why I haven't heard about it, inspecting female bodies. The mini-van is the company car, and the bumper sticker is merely a way to identify and advertise for the company.
Otherwise, I find the whole thing completely inappropriate and puzzling.
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