One of my co-teachers in 4th grade has let me go crazy and take over for our Social Studies Unit 4 on the Midwest. Teaching the content from a language perspective (since I am an ESOL teacher) has been a little more challenging than just following the book to the tee, but we have seen great results! The kids are active, engaged, participating, and, while we have yet to do a formal assessment, seem to be getting the material. Their illustrations to go with the unit vocabulary and definitions were all quite good.
So, if you are a teacher out there teaching Houghton Miffline Social Studies and are looking for some different lesson plan ideas, I would be more than willing to share some of the slides and handouts I made to teach this unit. Of course, it is all based off of the Houghton Mifflin States and Regions curriculum, so you'll see a lot of quotes or similar phrases and statements.
As a teacher who teaches so many different grades and subject areas, I always enjoy when people share their ideas. I especially like "Waltke's Web" for ideas or powerpoints about the Scott Foresman curriculum. If there is an interest, I will post or somehow share my social studies materials.
Teaching is pretty fun, isn't it?
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