About two months ago I ran out of my various asthma medications as well as the birth control I am taking at the same time. At the time, I thought this was quite serendipitous because then I could pick them all up with one trip to the pharmacy. When I arrived, however, I was informed, much to my chagrin, that the prescription for my birth control was expired.
That is the part that was my fault. I should have noticed that there was zero refills left.
The man behind the counter made me repeat like six times, kind of loudly, that I wanted the birth control, too. Then he asked me, rather loudly, if I would like him to fax my doctor. I said, yes, please, that would be great, and the man assured me he would fax it before they closed that night.
Now, I would like to mention that I do not use birth control for its namesake. Let's just say that if I found out I was pregnant, it would have to be Jesus II. The reason I take this delightful pill is to keep that whole menstrual cycle thing under control. I started taking it quite a few years ago because without it, I was physically ill for about a week at a time. I'd get all nauseous, not be able to eat, and sometimes be sick anyway. To top it all off, there was no schedule, and this could happen every six weeks or every two weeks.
Let's just say that life is better for me and those around me with the help of those little red pills.
So I went a month without that particular medication, and when I went back to fill my new asthma meds, I asked about it again. For some reason, the aisles around the pharmacy were especially busy, and these two ladies were standing really close to me. Also, the man behind the counter spoke louder than your average person. For some reason, he thought the counter between us was closer to five meters (you're welcome, Canadian friends) than one foot. This meant that I almost felt like he was shouting at me.
The conversation went kind of like this:
Me: I need these prescriptions filled....and I was wondering if that other prescription I asked about last time has been filled yet. You guys said you were faxing the doctor that day, but I haven't heard anything.
Man behind the counter (MBC): Which prescription is that?
Me: (in a reasonable tone of voice): The birth control. It expired and they said they would fax it over last month when I was here.
MBC: Oh! You need BIRTH CONTROL! Let me look on our computer to see if your birth control has been filled. (typing) No, it seems like the prescription for your BIRTH CONTROL has not been faxed over. Did you ask that this be faxed on the computer?
Me: No. I asked a person here. (squinting because I'm pretty sure it was the same man who is now letting the whole store know I am on birth control.)
MBC: You asked a person HERE to fax over that prescription for BIRTH CONTROL?
Me: Yes, and they said they'd do it that day. Did it not come through?
MBC: No. We never faxed that PRESCRIPTION FOR BIRTH CONTROL over.
Me: Well, can you please fax it over now? It has already been a month, and I'd like to have some consistency.
MBC: It's not an emergency is it?
Me: No. It isn't an emergency, really. I just....
MBC: Because you can always double up. You know? You can take two....Of the birth control.
Me: (squinting because I'm not really sure that's how it works, and I'm very glad that it isn't really an emergency and I am taking advice from this guy.) Yeah. Ok. Can you please fax it over now?
MBC Sure! I'll fax over that prescription for your BIRTH CONTROL right away. You should be able to pick up your BIRTH CONTROL in a couple of days. In the meantime, you should take extra precautions, since you aren't on BIRTH CONTROL right now.
Now, I think of myself as kind of a liberal prude, if that makes any sense. In my mind, I'm pretty liberal, but in my actions.... well, remember my earlier comment referencing the amount of sexual activity in my life? Still, I was a little uncomfortable that MBC was announcing to the entire store that I seemed to be really pressing him for the pill, and it was some sort of emergency.
If only it were some sort of emergency.....
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