Thursday, July 21, 2011

Results of the "Forced Sports Watching" Survey

A while back, I asked you to imagine what you might think is an unlikely situation. I asked you, if you were kidnapped by some crazy person who was going to force you to watch sports for six hours straight or else, but they allowed you to choose the sport, what sport would you choose? Even for people who like sports, I think six hours straight can be a bit excessive. The results are as follows:

If you had to watch a sport on television for 6 hours straight (or else), which would you choose?

American/Canadian Football
La Crosse
I would rather deal with the "or else" part of the threat.

As you can see, as many people chose soccer as claimed they would rather face the "or else" part of the threat. I a not surprised that cricket and la cross received zero votes, but I am confused that no one chose gymnastics. I know people that do actually watch gymnastics for hours and hours on end when the Olympics are on.

Swimming was not included in the survey because, let's be honest, swimming is boring. And I say that with the utmost respect for the sport and as someone who attends swim meets for her little sister. Perhaps figure skating should have been included, though.


  1. Where's hockey, hmm, hockey? Bad quasi-Canadian!

  2. How could I have forgotten hockey? I put in your official national sport of lacrosse, though, so I get at least one Canadian point, right?
