Friday, April 9, 2010

How to Get Hitched: According to Kindergarteners

Kindergarteners say the darndest things.

Today I wore black hose with my purple dress, and this apparently shocked some of the little munchkins. "Miss!" They said to me in awe, "Miss! You are turning into a black person!" "Miss! How did you make your legs black? Why are you turning black? Can I be black?" Imagine their confusion when I pinched the hose and pulled it away from my legs. I tried to tell them it was just tights, but I don't think they all bought it. A friend of mine this evening said I should have messed with them and told them that yes, indeed, I was turning into an African American and that hopefully the metamorphosis would be complete by Monday. I think that's just cruel, though.

About 30 seconds later, one little girl asked if I was married. When I said no, I am not married, she told me that I should get married right now. The little boys at her table agreed wholeheartedly. Then I wouldn't be "Miss", I could be "Mrs.", which I guess is way cooler. The group of 5 year olds then devised a plan for me to meet my "Mr." All I need to do is not really look where I am going and look really busy. Then I will bump into a man and he will say "Sorry" and we will fall in love. Then we can get married and be happy forever. I wonder how many cookie-cutter romantic comedies these kiddos have seen?

I still think their plan is pretty funny, although I might think it was more funny if I wasn't having such big issues with Joe right now. I am really on edge. Believe me, it is hard to be disconnected from the man you love and your best friend at the same time. Bummer for me, I guess, that they are the same person. I always thought of it as something awesome in the past. Luckily, I have many supportive friends (THANK YOU ALL!) that have done a wonderful job of helping me keep a positive attitude in the week long silence between the Twin Cities and Madison.

Maybe I should start shopping for Jennifer, my future pet bald eagle.

1 comment:

  1. I would have really been concerned about the kindergarteners if they had also scripted a trailer for your marriage set to Walking On Sunshine.

    Also, I'm sending you positive thoughts and well wishes.
