Wednesday, December 7, 2011


Today I heard this song numerous times with my fifth graders:

There are some errors in the typed lyrics, but that was fine. Can you guess what we are studying right now in our fifth grade ESOL and intervention grammar groups? Did you guess prepo-prepositions? Then you are correct.

It was amazing to see some of the students who don't usually engage perk right up and sing along. Also, we did this kind of as an intro before taking our notes, and the kids were adding things to the definition and answering questions before the information was even on the board. It is always impressive, even though I myself studied in college and still memorize things today by turning it all into made-up songs, how much people can remember and learn from music.

My little brother (who isn't little) is looking to get his MA in music therapy and focus on using music to help Alzheimer's and dementia patients with memory through the use of music. Yesterday while volunteering, a patient who is never coherent, though sweet as sugar, knew all the words to every single Christmas carol we sang.

Music, my friends, is incredible. In fact, it is so fantastico.

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