Sunday, September 28, 2008

Socio Survey

I am currently working on a sociolinguistic research project about job titles. I admit that I say mailman, even though my mailman is actually a woman. Sure, I know that I should say mail carrier or postal worker or something gender neutral or politically correct, but I really love the word mailman. Others, like police officer, I prefer to use the gender neutral term. Of course, I occasionally use the waiter/waitress distinction, when I know I should use "server", but I'm ok with that.

So I am spending this lovely fall Sunday in my room, unshowered and still in my pajamas. I took a break and watched Aladdin on The Wonderful World of Disney, but now I am back in my room, eating cheese, drinking cream soda, and eagerly waiting for people to respond to my online survey. I fully realize that my survey is far from perfect. After a discussion with my prof, I revised it to look like this. While I still stubbornly believe that my way is superior, I figure he is the one with the PhD and actual work in the field, and I should listen to him. At least if this way has some major glitches, I can blame him, whereas if my way had some debilitating problems, he could just say, "I told you so!" and give me an F.

I feel so technologically advanced using an online survey. In the past, I've been a real paper or at least microsoft word as an attachment type girl, but Future, here I come!

My cheese is gathering condesation at an alarming rate. Maybe it is more humid than I thought. I need to go eat it now.

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