Friday, November 19, 2010

Band-Aid Blitz

I finally started shaving my legs last night in the shower. I don't think I have shaved since September. To be honest, there has really been no need. Once it started cooling down, I started wearing pants or legging under skirts and dresses, and no one ever sees my legs.

Anyway, now that you are slightly grossed out, I will get to my point. I discovered that my legs are all bruised!  At first I was surprised, but then I thought about my daily activities. I am by no means graceful. I walk into desks, walls, other people, coat racks, and chairs. The other day I smacked the back of my head on a brick wall while talking to a student. I tripped over my own desk chair while sharpening a pencil. I walked into an open locker door, then stepped on a student. Then while standing precariously on some school furniture, I slipped while trying to staple student work to the wall and banged my arm into a strip of cork. This all happened in one day, and that was only what I could remember.

Today, while trying to hang up a schedule for my fifth graders, I slipped and got a huge paper cut all down one side of my hand. I am running out of band-aids in my desk drawer.

So this evening when I went grocery shopping at Target, I stocked up on band-aids - 4 boxes of varying sizes and designs. I got the fabric kind so they don't give me a rash. I even got little camoflauge ones for tiny paper cuts. I got neosporin, peroxide, and rubbing alcohol. Then I bought some ice cream.

Between that and my insurance, I should be ok for about a month.

1 comment:

  1. One of the camo band-aids is now in use. I need to bring an assortment of band-aids to work, though, as most injuries seem to be occurring there.....
