Thursday, May 5, 2011

"10 Items or Less" and Other Language Awesomeness

I may have mentioned it several times before, but I'll say it once again - I studied linguistics in undergrad, and I loved it!Studying linguistics legitimized all those feelings about language I had before, but didn't have the education to argue for. In my opinion, language is an ever-changing beast, and we should be able to use it how we please.

If I want to end a sentence in a preposition, I should be allowed to. If I want to cram prefixes and suffixes onto a base word to make something you won't find in any English dictionary, I am going to do it. Don't lecture me on the difference between "who" and "whom"! I know what the difference is, I just choose not to care. Do you know why I don't care? It is because English is changing, and we have almost completely eradicated the need for differentiating between those two. In fact, "whom" is almost completely out!

Now my friends that studied fancy-schmancy things like "English Literature" will get all up in arms about how it is important to use English correctly. You know what? I love you all, but you are stupid. Alright. That was harsh. You aren't stupid, but you certainly aren't having as much fun with language as you could be. Also, if you want us to be using English "correctly", we're going to have to go back a couple of hundred years, because modern English has eliminated several verb tenses. Or perhaps, English Lit folks, you would like to go all the way back before 1066 and have us all speaking English the way it was spoken before William the Conqueror made some changes.

Point is, language is changing, fluid, and fun. Language is a fascinating thing that we should be enjoying! Insisting on using "proper English" is just downright ridiculous!

Please enjoy this amazing bit from Stephan Fry regarding language. It really tickles me pink, and he even mentions ending sentences with propositions! to. with. of.

I, too, become nearly irate when people get all snobby at the grocery store.  Some of my favorite sentences or communications in English would be classified by these sorts as "misuses" or "mistakes". (On a side note, I need to start using the phrase "sound sex" when defending my thoughts on language.)

Of course the above video lead me to another Stephan Fry clip regarding language, and this one is just as enjoyable.

Please allow me to make a sentence for you:

"However much the starry-eyed butter cow strove to complete her cockamamie novel concerning the space travels of rabid Bavarian snow geese, the monomania of her armadillo cousin-in-law prevented said butter cow from achieving her goal."


  1. Ha, did someone get your dander up? What did they correct? I am an English (although not an English Lit) grad, but the only thing that truly bothers me is people who say "which begs the question" when they mean "which raises the question." Then again, almost nobody knows the correct meaning of "begs the question" these days, so I usually keep my ire to myself.

  2. This English Literature major (and fellow Linguistics major) agrees with you! English is, like, totally fun, and I make up new words all the time. And I punch the word "whom" in the face.

    THAT SAID, I also enjoy prescriptive grammar--punctuation and the like. Wheeee! Commas! Semicolons!

    AND AND AND, not being able to end a sentence with a preposition is totally a grammar myth started by some pastor in the 1700s. Word up.

  3. My dander most certainly is not up! And no one has corrected me in quite a few days, it is just starting to grate on my nerves. Sometimes you just have to get on your soapbox and rant, you know?

    And Lisa, punch "whom" once for me, too.
