Sunday, May 15, 2011

Results of the "30 Rock Character Survey"

Quite a while ago, the 30 Rock character survey was posted. The poll has been closed for a couple of days now, but I haven't had the chance to come and update the blog and the survey on the blog.

If you read my crazy ramblings every once and a while, you may have read this post where I wonder if I am Liz Lemon. So then, I asked you folks:

If you were a character from "30 Rock" you'd fancy yourself most like:

Liz Lemon
Jack Donaghy
Tracy Jordan
Jenna Maroney
Kenneth Parcell
Toofer Spurlock
Frank Rossitano

Obviously, my readers are much like me (in that they are awesome). And we are all like Liz Lemon. And Liz Lemon is kind of like the actor who plays her, Tina Fey. And Tina Fey is amazingly awesome. Therefore, most of the people that read my crazy ramblings and vote on my random surveys are amazingly awesome. I took deductive logic in undergrad. I know what I am talking about.

Some of you think you are like Jack Donaghy. Why is that? What qualities do you possess that make you like the Irish-American, right wing bossman?

Apparently we are all Jacks or Lizzes (Lizs? Lizes?), though, because no one chose the other characters. Unless perhaps no one chose the other characters because they identify more with one that was not listed. Or perhaps they want to be amazingly awesome and so chose Jack or Liz because those are the two most awesome characters. Or maybe some of you don't watch the show, and you just recognized those names.

There are probably other possibilities, as well.

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