Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Not Tired - Too Hot - Rambling...

Sometimes, for no reason at all, I cannot get to sleep. Tonight is not one of those times. Tonight, there are quite a few reasons I cannot sleep.

The first reason is that I didn't even get home until about 8pm. After going in to work early, I attended my first night of Crisis Prevention Intervention (CPI) training. While this is great and fantastic, it really delayed my evening routine quite a bit.

Another reason I may be wide awake right now is that I know I don't have to go to work tomorrow. I have doctor's appointments pretty much all day tomorrow, so I am not going to work (because I'll be at the doctor). Even though I will not be going to work, I will still have to leave the house at the same time. In fact, I should probably leave a little earlier in case I get lost in the building or something. Point is, this mindset is not without error, because I still have to wake up and leave at the same time.

Thirdly, I don't know what is going on in Rochester, but that has to be the sixth or seventh emergency vehicle to drive by. Those things are noisy, especially when the windows are open.

Why are the windows open? Because it is so hot! Why is it so hot? Ugh! I hate being hot! I am uncomfortable and sweaty and even with the windows open, it is hot in the apartment! I need a big strong man to come over and put my air conditioner in the window!

I'd do it myself if I physically could. I can do a lot of things by myself. Believe it or not, I re-arrange the furniture by myself. I also change the light bulbs by precariously balancing on things. I also fix things, open my own jars and bottles, and just never go into the attic. Unfortunately, even with creative leverage, I cannot safely get the air conditioner up into the window. And so I sweat.

This means also that I can no longer partake in my evening shower routine. I like to shower at night because I hate the hair dryer. In the winter, you can't go outside with wet hair. In my mind, it is better to let my hair air dry standing straight up at night than to take a shower in the morning and have to use the hair dryer. But now I'll have to take a shower in the morning because I'll be so gross and sweaty from these high temperatures.

As my friend, Tamera, would say, "Le sigh."

In other news, though, it was a pretty good day. Maybe I'll have to get out some bags of frozen vegetables and eat some candy. That will probably help get me ready for bed. There are few things more relaxing than drinking a cold glass of water and eating jelly beans with a bag of frozen green beans in your lap while watching late night re-runs.

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