Thursday, March 24, 2011

Am I Liz Lemon?

As I sit in my apartment with my cat, drinking tea in my pajamas and watching "30 Rock" on NBC, it has come to my attention that I am very similar to Tina Fey's Character, Liz Lemon. Whether this is good or bad is yet to be decided. It should be mentioned that my female celebrity crush is Tina Fey. So when my friends Dani and Kyle started watching "30 Rock" and mentioned that Liz Lemon reminded them of me, I didn't know whether to be flattered or not. Love the show, love the character, love the actor, but do I want to be Liz Lemon? I think I'd eventually like to have my life together. Maybe not, though. Constantly being flustered and eating sandwiches does seem like a pretty fantastic way to go through life.

The following are ways I might possibly be similar to Liz Lemon:

  1. We're both single working women
  2. Liz Lemon works with actors that act like outrageous children. I work with children that are outrageous.
  3. We both like sandwiches. (However, I most certainly do NOT like egg salad sandwiches. Could a sandwich get any more disgusting?)
  4. Our clothes don't always match.
  5. People we don't know assume we have children because we may have spilled some food on our shirt. It is really difficult to eat soup with a plastic spork, ok?
  6. We're both usually flustered.
  7. We're both clumsy.
  8. We both participate in adult community education classes. Liz Lemon has her adult co-ed dodgeball, I have my tennis, work out, and dance classes.
  9. We both have glasses.
  10. People make fun of how we don't brush our hair.
  11. Liz Lemon is apparently a big nerd. I am a big nerd.
  12. We both have to deliver bad news to coworkers.
  13. We make strange sound effects when frustrated.
  14. We both enjoy sub-par television, but despise reality shows.
  15. FOOD IS SO IMPORTANT! And the popcorn store DOES sound amazingly fun. And all the advertising suggests it is a fun place to hang out with a group of friends.

Conclusions? Thoughts? Additions? Funny jokes or riddles involving bad puns?


1 comment:

  1. It's a compliment to be Liz Lemon. I aspire to be Liz Lemon. Let's look again at the facts:

    1. She has a badass job doing what she loves. And from what we understand, she makes a fair amount of money doing it.
    2. Though she doesn't think her love life is perfect, look at the men she has dated: Jon Hamm, Matt Damon, Floyd, The Hair. All hot men.
    3.She has awesome friends like Jack Donaghy. Friends who totally get her.
    4. She has enough money to purchase a significant amount of night cheese.

    I would love to be Liz Lemon.
