Monday, February 21, 2011

A Love Letter (To Minnesota)

My Dearest Minnesota,

There are so many reasons to love you, it is difficult to know where to start, but I will do my best to do you justice!

First of all, the fierceness and unpredictability of your weather never ceases to amaze me. In the Winter, your awesome winds, drifting snow, and freezing temperatures stay for months on end, creating a frozen winter wonderland. In the Spring, you bring in the sun, the warm breezes, and that delicious 50 degree Fahrenheit temperature that has us all basking up Vitamin D outside in only a t-shirt. But then, you again show your power, and with hardly any warning, your temperature plummets, and the world becomes completely white again as enormous quantities of snow fall from the sky and blow through the air, making it impossible to tell if the snow is coming up, down, or sideways! In the summer you graciously provide us with a ten minute warning – an ominous, glowing green sky – before pummeling us with roaring winds, torrential rains, and earthshaking thunder and lightning! Truly your weather is awe-inspiring in all seasons!

Your weather, oh mighty Minnesota, breeds a strong, hearty folk who cannot be stopped by little things such as blizzards, eight foot snow drifts, two inch visibility fog, thirty below or one hundred above temperatures, or blowing winds. In fact, not only are your sturdy people unstopped by your best efforts, but they are obsessed with discussing it. Minnesotans would be content to talk about the weather for hours on end, and we do! And do we roll our eyes or change the subject when someone begins a conversation about the most recent snowfall or temperature change? No! We chime in enthusiastically!

What is more, the sturdy folk driven to strength and confidence love butter, cheese, and believe – nay! KNOW – that a can of cream of mushroom soup can be added to almost any recipe to make it that much more delicious! You have created a people who thrive on dairy products and casseroles! And they are a happy, healthy people!

So happy and healthy have you built your population, that there is a term – Minnesota Nice – that rings true more often than not. Your people are excellent at making eye contact and smiling at each other. They chit-chat pleasantly at the check-out and let people with fewer items go ahead. They good naturedly say please, thank you, and excuse me while waving one another into a better parking spot, seat at the theatre, or spot in line.

One of your pleasantly polite folk stopped today to help me out. Unstopped by the onslaught of snow, I attempted to leave my parents’ home and return to Rochester so I would have time to do some work around my apartment. Unfortunately, I was got stuck right at the bottom of the long driveway. As I got out in my weather inappropriate shoes and began assessing the situation, a nice man in a Subaru pulled over and asked if I had anyone coming to help me. When I replied that in fact, no, no one was on their way, he hopped out of his vehicle with a shovel, not missing a beat. After a few minutes of both of us shoveling and scraping, he pushed while I drove out of the driveway. I got out to thank him profusely, but this man simply waved me off, laughing, and offered to help me clear the driveway more, so that upon my return I could enter more easily. When I told him I was actually on my way out of town, and thanked him again and again, he tossed his shovel in the back, and drove off. Where else is such kindess and help provided to selflessly?

Another amazing thing about you, my dear, dear Minnesota, is your shape. Of all the states, your shape is one of the most unique, and it is one I enjoy drawing. Even with my lack of art skills, I manage to pull off a recognizable Minnesota.

You also provide us with such wonders as the Minnesota State Fair, one of the most wonderful, amazing public gatherings in the world. With all you can drink milk, cheese curds, and chocolate chip cookies, any delicious food one can imagine is available! You even bring us such delights as the butter heads! And such is this beautiful state that I have actually had the opportunity to meet former Princess Kay of the Milky Way candidates and question them about the butter head process! And there are tractors! Need more be said?

The entertainment you have inspired and provided is also incredible. I was privileged enough to attend a Prairie Home Companion show over the weekend, and it was even better live than on the radio! The humor and personal touches are beyond what one could possibly desire. As Garrison Keillor entertained us with tales, songs, and jokes about you, Minnesota, I clapped and laughed along with the rest of the Minnesotan audience.

I must confess to admiring your extreme devotion to valuing education. You have instilled in your people a desire for education and a passion for higher and ongoing education. Learning is a way of life with you, Minnesota, and you provide so many opportunities for your people!

While certainly not the last of your great attributes and reasons for my love, I must end with how impressed I am that you manage to provide the lifestyle of small towns while bringing in the culture and worldliness available in larger cities. We have a strong sense of community, farms, farmer’s markets, orchards, hay rides, and people that can identify a field of crops, but you also give us the opera, the orchestra, art museums, and wonderful entertainment from around the world!

And so, my lovely Minnesota, I remain infatuated, delighted, and devoted to you. Should my life take me elsewhere for any period of time, please know that you will always hold a special part of my heart all to yourself.

                                           Lovingly yours,
                                                   Ivy McDougalhopper

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