Monday, February 28, 2011

Look at my new dress!

Yesterday I went to the Apache Mall to do some birthday present shopping. In the next few days I will celebrate my mother's birthday, my grandmother's birthday, and my dear friend, Linnea's birthday. It has been over a decade that I have had this birthday schedule, and yet I still can't decide if it is very convenient or very inconvenient to have their birthdays so close together.

But the point was, I was shopping at the Apache mall for birthday presents, and it turns out that I actually do know people in Rochester. First off, Ashley was working at the Caribou. At Caribou, I only ever order tea. I didn't know what kind of tea I wanted yet, plus I kind of wanted to chat with the lady behind the cash (Ashley), so I let the man behind me go ahead of me. He was so nice, he ended up paying for my tea. I'm not exactly sure how that happened. One minute I don't have tea, then I do, and he gave Ashley a nice tip as well.

After seeing talking with Ashley as much is appropriate while she is working, I began wandering around the mall pretty aimlessly. During this time, I ran into three families of my students. It seems to me that is quite a bit. Then, when I was in the office this morning, our lovely Spanish interpreter came up and told me she heard me in Herberger's. She said I was on the phone with someone, and she couldn't see me, but she could hear me. She was right. I was definitely on the phone in Herberger's at some point Sunday afternoon. Over the course of the day, two other students came up and told me they saw me at the mall.

It should be said that I went to the mall with crazy looking hair, a jeans and boots combo that just was not working, and an older shirt. Good thing my students, their families, and my colleagues were all at the mall!

On the bright side, I got a new dress. In case you can't tell in the picture, it is a dark purple and black zig-zag pattern. It is too short for work, unless I end up wearing it with pants underneath, maybe. It is also not dressy enough for dress, so I may have to actually live the life of a person in their mid-twenties so that I can wear an informal dress. The best part ever is that it fits exactly right and it was on super clearance, so it was only $6. Needless to say, I was very excited.

Don't worry. I also completed my birthday present shopping.

Now excuse me as I return to sitting in the dark with a cat in my lap while watching sub-par television and drinking tea. Did I mention that I'm awesome?

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