Saturday, February 26, 2011

On The Road to Spinsterhood

It may be a not-so-winding road, or perhaps more of a slippery slope, but irregardless of the analogy you prefer, all evidence points to me being well on the way to spinsterhood.

Very Scientific and Accurate Definition of "Spinsterhood":
A woman who has remained single long beyond the conventional age of marriage who perhaps also holds the occupation of spinning. She probably knits, has at least one cat she treats as her child, prefers to do lame activities, drinks tea, and certainly does not go out carousing on the weekends.

Based on this definition that I half made up based on mostly out-dated stereotypes observed in the media, I am well on my way. I try to knit. I have a cat who thinks she is a person, probably because I usually treat her as if she is a person. I prefer drinking tea and participating in "lame" activities such as playing board games, doing crossword puzzles, reading texts related to my job, and going to movies by myself. I am also of the opinion that going out to bars or dancing in public while scantily clad is not all it is cracked up to be.

Yesterday was Friday. I went in to work early to do some paperwork and cleaning. I stayed late at work to volunteer at the winter carnival at our school. I was gone from 7:25 am until a little after 9pm, and it crossed my mind more than once that my cat, Squeaky, was going to be annoyed and give me an earful upon my return home. She does not like when I am completely absent for such long periods of time without coming home and checking on her.
Once I got home, I immediately put on my pajamas, made tea, and settled down on the couch with pillows and several blankets to watch sub-par television. I'll admit I watched edited for regular TV episodes of "Sex and the City". Then I fell asleep early on the couch with my cat in my lap and had to drag my half-asleep self to my bed. That was how I spent my Friday night.

Today is Saturday. I spent the morning making myself a breakfast of a mocha, a pain au chocolat, and some cereal, and I ate it on my real dishes that even match. Following my breakfast, I putzed around the house for a bit, straightening up, folding laundry, making the bed with clean sheets, etc. Then I took a long, hot shower and vacuumed, fluffed couch cushions, and did dishes while my hair dried.

Don't worry. I did leave the house, today. I went to a movie all by myself. I went to the matinee of "Unknown" and had popcorn and pop, because why not live it up, right? The theatre was pretty packed with me, many middle-aged couples, and right before the show, two relatively attractive guys about my age sat one seat away from me. Choosing to ignore their presence, once the show began I ate popcorn like no one was watching. As the Protagitron knows, this means I ended up with about equal parts in my mouth and down my shirt. I am exaggerating a bit, but not much.

After the movie, I went in to work for a while and sat in the computer lab listening to my ipod, doing research on practice TEAE tests and ordering my copies for next week. Now it is Saturday evening, I have no plans or intentions to go out on the town or even meet up with people. In fact, I am looking forward to making Indian food and watching a movie by myself.

It won't be long, folks, before I look like this:

Does anyone know where I can get a reasonably priced rocking chair and a chain like that for my glasses?

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