Friday, July 29, 2011

I Can't Even Re-Read This To See If It Makes Any Sense

I'm on this new asthma medication that is apparently the Superman of all inhalers. My doctor affectionately called it "The New Kid on the Block", which immediately made me think of the concert my friends recently went to as well as the cartoon "Hey, Arnold!" I have absolutely no idea why that cartoon popped into my head. I don't think I've watched it in years.

But I'm on this new medication, on top of a couple of other ones, and I can really tell that this is some strong stuff. Two or three times a day I am supposed to use the peak flow meter and then graph my L/minute. I've been hovering below the 400 mark for a while, even though I should be closer to 500. Twenty-four hours after starting with this new inhaler, I am up to about 450. Holy Moly, right?

Unfortunately, there seems to be some sort of side effect. Oftentimes I joke about having adult onset ADD, but much like the summer I was on Advair and prednisone and a million other things, I feel totally wired. I'm all jittery and have a hard time focusing. Today at lunch with a friend, I got a little over excited about what we were talking about, and my hand started to shake a little. Whoa.

I baked two different kinds of cupcakes today (half batches). Neither of the cupcakes turned out great, although they are edible, so it is alright. Maybe it would be better if they were gross, though, because then I would just get rid of them instead of trying to feed sub-par but edible cupcakes to my friends tomorrow.

It was all I could do, however, to stop making food. My friends don't really want a pot roast and cheesy potatoes with glazed carrots tomorrow. We'll probably just order pizza. I was really tempted though.

While I was making the two different kinds of cupcakes, I was also planting flowers and doing the dishes. Every actual productive project around the house (such as laundry or cleaning the bathroom), it was like I forgot why I was doing it in five seconds and wandered off.

Having conversations has been interesting today, too. I can tell that I am talking faster than normal and not stopping for punctuation, but I can't really help it. I feel my eyes darting around as people talk to me, but again, I can't seem to focus. Linnea was just on the phone with me, and she laughed at me because I just could not stick to a topic.

It is kind of funny, although this could really be bad at work on Monday. I need to speak slowly and not get distracted to easily. I need to be able to switch in and out of subject matter easily, and I NEED TO FOCUS! The kids are going to think I'm insane. I mean, they already think I'm crazy, but now they're going to think I need to be institutionalized.

Sure, it is nice being able to take a nice deep breath, but will this jittery, distractable behavior eventually subside? I certainly hope so because......

What's that?

Is that a dead bug? A dead bug in the windowsill?

I've got to see this up close. Maybe I should get a kleenex? I wonder if the cat killed it or if it died of old age? How long do bugs like that live, anyway? That is a big bug! How did it get in? I sealed up all the spaced around the air conditioner. Where's the cat? There she is. What's she sniffing like that for. I should make a roast. People like roasts. And apple pies. That's what the boys in the war like. WWII, anyway. I saw Captain America......

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