Monday, March 14, 2011

Because I'm Awesome (#1)

Tonight was the fourth night of Booty Burning Boot Camp, and tonight, Lawrence the Instructor tried to give us an incentive to sign up for the entire month of April. The boot camp Lisa and I are registered for ends this Friday, meaning we will have had 6 classes in two weeks, which is plenty, in my opinion. Lawrence the Instructor says that if we sign up for the entire month of April, we get the last two weeks of March for free! Still, I am not biting.

Tonight was not as bad as some as the other nights. The first night was probably the worst in aftermath pain. Monday we worked our booties off (because it is Booty Burning Boot Camp), and by Wednesday I couldn't even raise my arms to fix my crooked glasses or brush my hair. Defeatedly, when the kids asked me with as much attitude as they could muster, "Did you even ba-rush your hair today, Ms. McDougalhopper?" I had to respond, "No. No I did not. Now sit back down."

But as the class has gone by, it has gotten marginally easier, and I have almost full range of motion after workouts now, which is good. In fact, I think I might actually be getting stronger. Let's be honest - probably not - but I can let my self have the little, harmless delusions.

After class, tonight, I decided to stop by Wal-Mart since it is between the Martial Arts place and home. I needed some groceries and snacks for tomorrow night. Tomorrow night I am hosting Book Club at my house, which is probably going to be a disaster since I am the youngest one in the bunch and living in a one room apartment, but maybe not. Anyway, point is, I needed some food to feed these people, and I thought it might be pushing it if I decided to go tomorrow after work and still make it home in time to clean up the apartment and make it presentable.

Please keep in mind that I had just finished Booty Burning Boot Camp, my hair was sticking up all over the place since I had forgotten a ponytail holder, and I was in my gym clothes with my good red boots. So I had on black, kind of tight sweatpant capris, an oversized bright green shirt that encourages people to recycle, a hot pink sports bra, and bright red boots with heels. It was a truly awesome look, but I figured that the odds of me seeing anyone were pretty slim.

I need to stop cursing myself like this. Every time I think that, I run into people. This time, I ran into some of my students and their families, which really, if I had thought about it, should have been expected. I was in Wal-Mart near-ish to the school at about dinner time. Unfortunately, I apparently never miss an opportunity to humiliate myself.

On the bright side, one mother, after giving me a weird look, completely ignored me as her son bounced around me and talked to me. We've met before a few times at conferences, but with any luck she forgot or didn't recognize me. Oh! Who am I kidding! She knew exactly who I was! I was wearing my ID badge!

Once home, I dropped onto the couch where I watched the most recent episode of House on TV (kind of a disappointing episode...) and had popcorn and bacon for dinner while Squeaky sat in my lap. Now I'll have to have a snack of maybe some Green Juice and a sandwich. Mmmmm. Sandwich.

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