Saturday, April 2, 2011

The End (of Spring Break) is Near

Today I tried to get as much work done as possible so that tomorrow, Sunday, can truly count as a day of Spring Break. I vacuumed, did dishes, scrubbed the bathroom, bleached the stove-top, and cleaned every floor in the house with lavender scented hardwood floor cleaner. The house smells fairly decent, now.

In addition to all this, I also got through all but one section of the online CPR course and went into school to clean my classroom and set up for my first five classes on Monday. Am I really, honestly prepared for Monday? No, but the objectives are up, the desks are clean, and the folders, pencils, and handouts are ready. The rest is really up in the air. Will the kids even be ready to learn on Monday? Probably not. Any planning will probably have been in vain. Let it be known, however, that I do have some really awesome, interactive, SIOP-y lessons planned for the next two weeks for all grade levels. We'll just see if with coming back from Spring Break and the MCA II's testing schedule if I get to teach them when they are supposed to be taught.

But back to the cleanliness of my household. It is crazy. The floors are all shiny, there is no dust under the couch or chair in the living room any more, and I really scrubbed the bathroom. There is still, despite my best efforts including a lot of elbow grease and some hard-core cleaning chemicals, a layer of something on the glass shower door. However, I am actually more than ok with this because this morning I could kind of see my outline in the mirror as I was taking my shower. It was extremely blurry, and I only know it was me because I happened to be the only person in the shower at the time, but it was disturbing nonetheless. I'm really not sure how I feel about this development.

There are also clean sheets on the bed and the rugs have been shaken outside. Furthermore, I finally bought light bulbs AND I actually used them - replacing the burnt out ones the same day as the new ones were bought. Granted, some of those bulbs have been burnt out for a couple of weeks now, but let's not dwell on that fact.

This evening was a time for celebratory nachos, and boy were they delicious. In fact, I ate too many nachos, and my stomach is complaining just a bit now. It was hard to say no to the cheesy, guacamole covered bean delight. Do I regret it? No. Alright - maybe I regret it a little, but not that much.

Tomorrow I plan on getting up around 8am, reading my book ("First Families") while drinking tea and having a nice breakfast, and putzing around the house for a couple of hours. I then fully intend on taking a walk down to and around Silver Lake. Maybe I will even take the camera and capture some springtime moments in Rochester. More likely, however, I will forget the camera, but that is fine, too. Maybe I will take that stale roll from my purse and feed it to the ducks. I probably like ducks first, then geese, then swans. Although my feelings on geese can change depending on the situation. Sometimes geese are scarier than swans in that they are there, hissing at you, and swans are nowhere to be seen.

Anyway, a leisurely breakfast and a walk are on the agenda for tomorrow. Hopefully I will make it to bed early so that I can get up bright and early for my 6:30AM phone interview, and make it through this week alive! I'll have to plan something fun for next weekend!

*Now vote on the new poll! The Protagitron and I had a marvelous time in Seattle. Where should we go next? Vote on the poll, but if you have a better idea, let me know in a comment, or send me a message. GO VOTE NOW!*

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