Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Extraordinary Advances in the Field of Bacon

Bacon is a truly amazing food. There are few things more enjoyable in life than eating an unhealthy amount of crispy, every-so-slightly burned bacon. Not only is bacon delicious, but I have been led to believe it has incredible artery-blocking capabilities.

While many people may judge food based on rarity, difficulty to prepare, presentation, or even cut of meat, I am still in (though just barely) the stage of my life where I can judge food based on how unhealthy it is for me. I don't mean that I judge it like a health-conscious, crazed, vegan person on a diet might judge it. My philosophy is often something along the lines of, "The more sugar, calories, fat, and cheese, the better it probably tastes."

This is why - despite being in my mid-twenties - I continue to eat ice cream for breakfast. Or sometimes I might devour an entire pint of Ben and Jerry's in one sitting. Tonight, I ate an entire box of Velveeta Shells and Cheese by myself. Just out of curiosity, I checked the back of the box for nutrition information and was informed that one box is supposed to feed three people at 360 calories a pop.  I read this before eating, and my reaction was still to shrug and munch on some Wheat Thins and cheese while waiting for the noodles to finish cooking. Then I put all three servings in one bowl and ate it all with a little pepper. Adding the pepper makes me feel like I am eating a real meal. Also, it makes me feel like I might be an adult. I don't know why. It really doesn't make any sense.

But my original point is that bacon is truly an amazing food.

In fact, it is so fantastic and stupendous, it should be considered a food group all by itself. Luckily for the world, the restaurant chain Denny's has seen the light and has wished the United States of America a "Happy Baconalia!", providing us with a spectacular bacon-inspired menu.

I first became aware of these new menu offerings last night when I returned from my Red Cross CPR class. As I plopped myself down on the rug in front of my coffee table, chatting on the phone with Linnea about how my CV kind of sounds inappropriate and getting the laptop ready to do the first round of email checks, a headline introducing Denny's new Bacon Sundae scrolled across. Naturally, that grabbed my attention (the word bacon, and then the realization upon closer examination that ice cream was also involved), and I interrupted Linnea to share the news with her. At first disgusted, I think she may be partly serious when she suggested we go get one next time she is in Rochester.

After speaking with Linnea, I actually checked my email. There, I found I had received an email from my father informing me of this new Denny's creation. It seems the world knows that I love bacon and ice cream. After reading this, the world will have no doubts.

Of course, my exhausted brain tonight was trying to kill some time before going to bed, so I decided to do some follow up research on the Maple Bacon Sundae, only to learn that not only does the sundae exist and include maple-flavored syrup (That's right, folks! Maple-flavored syrup!), but there is an entire bacon themed section to the menu right now!

You can visit the Denny's website to learn more about these fantastic dishes and see pictures. Whatever you do, however, do not bother looking at the nutritional information. Unless, of course, you happen to be a person like me who thinks that maybe that extra 1,000 calories and 900 grams of fat makes it extra-super delicious.

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