Monday, April 25, 2011

Results of the "My Next Minnesotan Adventure" Survey

Since I am a huge geek who is kind of lame, loves history, and goes out to intentionally learn more about stuff in my free time and of my own volition, I love to go on little adventures to museums, historical landmarks, or pretty much any educational thing. Also, since I am kind of weird myself, the stranger, odder, more confusing, or quirkier the adventure, the better. This is why I enjoyed Ye Olde Curiosity Shop in Seattle so much. Of course I sincerely got a kick out of the Jacques Cartier House in Montreal as well that provided this confusing and amusing puppet display.

What is happening here?

 My geekiness clearly knows no bounds, but it always nice to be terribly, nerdily informed about not only the world, but the place where you live. It is for this reason I decided to start exploring southeastern Minnesota. With the weather turning nice, I also decided to focus on outdoor activities.

What should I do on my next MN adventure?

Tour of Mystery Cave in Forestville
Bluff Country Studio Art Tour in Lanesboro
Niagra Cave tour in Harmony
Bird Banding Whitewater State Park
Mayowood Mansion tour in Rochester
Oxbow Park and Zollman Zoo in Byron

As you can see, it seems I will be going to Mystery Cave in Forestville. Now the only questions that remain are when? who will go with me? and should I take the one or two hour tour? 

Unfortunately, only four of you voted. This could be due to the fact that I didn't remind you ever, or it could be that none of you care anything about geeky educational activities available in southeastern Minnesota. Either way, I am a little disappointed. But not that disappointed. I am going to go explore a cave! (Although maybe not until the end of May.) And joke's on you, too, because I still fully intend on going to the Zollman Zoo.

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