Sunday, April 3, 2011

Ramblings of a Crazy Person

Oh how time flies when you are having fun! How can it be that Spring Break is over and I have to return to work tomorrow? I am not prepared! I think we should have the opportunity to ease back into the school day. We could, for example, start with one or two hours of school tomorrow, and build up over the course of the week. Then, next week could be a normal week.

In order to psych myself up for a week of work (and an interview), I have been looking for new songs and games to teach the kiddos. Please enjoy the following.

Princess Pat and her Rikabamboo?

I seem to remember growing up that the girls in Girl Scouts would sing this, but I wasn't allowed to be in Girl Scouts (too girly). This one may be an ok one to teach the kids.

Ladybugs' Picnic:

I LOVED this song on Sesame Street as a child. Maybe if I get creative, I can come up with some gestures and dance moves to accompany this. And if we're going to take this into consideration, another blast-from-the-past childhood song I watched on Sesame Street constantly would be.....

We All Sing in the Same Voice:

It should be pointed out that in English, we don't say "yellow hair" unless it really is dyed yellow - we say "blond". Also, best names ever. They really focused on the little boy with glasses who holds his teddy tight. And one little boy has two daddy's, so that's fairly progressive for the time, although they probably mean his mom re-married and he has a step-dad, but whatever.

"And when it's time for bed, I like my stories read - "Sweet Dreams!" and "Love you!" said - My name is you!"

Really brings me back, guys.

In other news, the Smithsonian Magazine informed me of the following quote: "Although accurate numbers are hard to come by, lore has it that hippos kill more people each year than lions, elephants, leopards, buffaloes and rhinos combined."

And I read on some other websites about incidences where hippos have knocked over boats for no reason, then decapitated the people! And they are herbivores! Why are they so aggressive?

My adult onset ADD is really coming out in this post, as is my reluctance to give up my freedom and return to my life being run by a clock and someone else's agenda. Rather than ramble on further about more things that don't relate to each other, I'll call it quits now and go take a nice shower and have a cup of tea. I can still get some quality sub-par television programming or History Channel in before it is too late!

*Now vote on the poll! DO IT!*

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