Monday, April 4, 2011

The Hunt Is On!

Cue Wagner's "Cry of the Valkyries"! 

One of the many woes of being a first year teacher - and an LTS at that - is the lack of job security. Sure I am contracted until June, but it is now the time for the panic to set in and the job hunt to begin again. And lucky me! Since the school year runs from September through June, I am currently looking for a summer position and a 2011-2012 school year position. What is more fun than looking for one job? Why, looking for two jobs, of course!

And now, after spending time updating my CV (or resume, if that's what you prefer to call it), re-writing individualized letters of interest, importing and updating applications, and scouring the job boards, I am super exhausted. So exhausted and discouraged am I, so not looking forward to the job search am I, that now - don't judge - I am watching edited-for-regular-TV Sex and the City and drinking chocolate milk (that supposedly expired yesterday) directly out of the container. Life is good, guys.

No. Seriously. How awesome is it that I have a tv, a couch, and chocolate milk? Pretty awesome.

*Doesn't anyone care where the Protagitron and I go next? Even if you don't, vote on the poll in the upper, right hand corner!*

1 comment:

  1. Whoooo! Job hunting! Did I say "whoooooo," because I clearly meant "ew". I can't even bring myself to write a cover letter anymore. I lack the brain capacity, I think.

    You should teach abroad (or two...sorry). And by abroad, I mean Los Angeles. Or, you know, visit<--Yeah, the LA vote was clearly mine.
