Wednesday, January 12, 2011

New Music, Pizza, and Another Blog

Remember my posting entitled "Things that are Things that I Think I Should Share"? If not, click away and read. In this particular posting I included a song by the talented, up-and-coming Wisconsin artist, Jake Goergen. The song was "Open Relationship".

Want to listen to it again?

Get it? Because Jesus wants us to love and be with other people! I think it is funny and witty, and you should, too. Plus, while I can't for the life of me ever sing the verses, whenever I hear the term "open relationship", the refrain plays in my head. Play it again now and sing along. Catchy, right?

Now that you are all caught up and have had your refresher course, I can share this next song with you. The mightily talented Mr. Goergen has written and performed another song. Entitled "If You Don't Know by Now" and written while walking to a football game, this particular ditty is a bit more serious. Again, though, the refrain is particularly catchy and easy to learn.

If you are having a hard time understanding some of the lyrics like me (because you are listening to music from the tinny, tiny speakers on your laptop), the artist has graciously provided the lyrics.

"Sitting on a bridge with my legs hanging off
watching memories tangled on the shore
Season's passing by you were the apple of my eye
but I don't see you around anymore

If you don't know by now I guess you'll never know
never know never know

The leaves fall around me As I'm walking down the street
All along they just keep floating to the ground

they leave their impression on the wet concrete
A mark that lasts for months don't make a sound

A road that never ends and a light that never fades
and a pattern in the stars leads me back to you

You look the same, but I forgot your name
The pleasure of home is seeing something new" 

Now you can listen to it again and sing along. Isn't that handy?

And now that you have your dose of new music, take a moment and read this delightfully biting article comparing the merits of Cosmo and Bust. The Protagitron never ceases to amuse.

And in other news, I had pizza last night at "Nick 'n Willy's" with a third grade colleague. I had the Mediteranean pizza minus the chunks of tomatoes, and it was delicious. Today the other Ivy and I went to the Shops at University Square to play some board games and hang out (since both of our homes were too untidy to have company). We ended up eating at Zpizza there. I had the Gorgonzola and Pear pizza, which was delicious. I only ended up eating half the pizza, which means I will have enough for tomorrow's lunch. Then, as we were leaving, they were closing up shop and boxed each of us up a couple of extra slices of pizza on the house. Guess what I am having for dinner tomorrow? I will have pizza for four meals within three days. I am living the life, my friends.

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